Catenai's Platform Strengths


Safe & Secure

Our operating systems are secure on multiple levels:

  • Due to the design of our IT architecture, all transactions cannot be fraudulently tampered with. Any alterations are automatically securely stored, meaning the original source documents or transactions will always be available for cross reference and a full audit trail of all transactions, alterations and updates can be provided for post-transaction reporting purposes.
  • Catenai can also host the operating system for you.
  • All servers are mirrored reducing the risk of data loss.
  • Optionally, our operating system is held within your own secure network and it will use all your security systems and protocols.

Intelligent & Fast

AI models combined with fast data processing speeds are essential to ensure that businesses and organisations have instant access to the latest, most intelligent and accurate data at their fingertips.



Our services are delivered from highly efficient elastic infrastructures.